Friday 11 November 2011


Material selection is as per the image below.
Reason for selections as follows:
  • Coloured concrete floor - coloured concretes will be used for the ground floor throughout the building. Concrete is a durable material that will stand the test of time in this public building.
  • Steel portal frame - the will be used to express the form of the building both inside and out. Structurally it is the most efficient way to achieve my proposed building form, allowing the large free spans I am trying to achieve.
  • Translucent glazing - this material will allow significant penetration of natural light into the building. The material evokes a sense of permeability and will give users a unique experience each time they come to the building, due to the changing levels of sunlight. At night the building will become a symbol for the people of Western Sydney.
  • Copper roof - copper has been used for centuries as a material of choice for major public buildings, places of governance and worship. Therefore it is a familiar material for people from many places across the globe, contributing to the symbolism of the building. The copper will age gracefully and complement the translucent glazing.   

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