Thursday 1 September 2011

Four Strategies: Exploration

To kick off the expedition we (group of 3 students) were charged with re-imagining the Australian Capital (based on the following competition ) through the exploration of four broad strategies:
  • Flexible
  • Distributed
  • Mobile
  • Virtual
This exploration lead to the following conclusions:

What can flexible be associated with? Adapability to different circumstances (uses); it could be something that is pneumatic or retractable; it may mean different things to different people.

Diagram 1: Is it stronger to have an outcome that is intentionally or accidentially flexible? There might be an opportunity to allow the exploration of both to come to an outcome. Should we design literally or for the possibility?

What can distributed be associated with? Sharing something and the proximity of that something; it could be the way that something is done.

Diagram 2: Distrubuted element may strengthen the relationship between the public and the Australian government.

What can mobile be associated with? Expression; fluidity; movement.

Diagram 3: Mobile architecture could encourage an expressive outcome that is philosophically based encompassing culture and form. It could have a fluid function which instills efficiency. Or it could be movable and communicative.

What can virtual be associated with? Something that is always changing, never quite real, illusionary; it might mimic something else; it offers potential reality, what somethng could be.

Diagram 4: Inception moment - virtual thinking which adaptes to create the physical environment.

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